NAVIN's 22nd birthday

NAVIN's 22nd birthday


NAVIN turned 22 years old! ☺ Our birth as a company occurred at the turn of the millennium. Today, at the turn of eras and worldviews, the birth of a real Ukrainian nation is taking place, to which we have the honor to belong. ♥

Taras Shevchenko wrote: If you fight, you will overcome! Life that is born must enter into a fight. And today our country is struggling with all its might to live. If we continue this battle, then, we believe the poet, we will achieve victory.

We at NAVIN are also determined to fight decisively - in complete harmony with Ukraine. And 22 is just the beginning. And it's a great start! ☺

Everyone is in a fighting mood!

NAVIN. Heat that has a form.

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