
Electric heated towel rails “NAVIN”

Electric heated towel rail Navin Grandis 480x1000 with heating element Sigma 300 W, right

Electric heated towel rails are much better than those powered by hot water pipes; they are much sleeker and more functional.

But its main advantage lies in its increased autonomy, regardless of the supply of hot water.

During a summer shutdown or loss of supply for any other reason, the water dryer is useless. In addition, you can name other advantages such as:

  • relative ease of installation;
  • no welding required;
  • there is no need to formalize or agree on anything;
  • you can place the device where you want;
  • you can install at least two or three electric heated towel rails;
  • There is no need to be afraid of excessive current consumption; its consumption is the same as that of table lamps.

Electric heated towel rail for the bathroom - is it worth enduring the agony of choice?

Searching the Internet for information about devices that dry towels is very interesting... but understanding them is very, very difficult, there is a lot of conflicting data, even if you concentrate only on reviews. No wonder: the situations are quite different, the conditions of use are also different.

For many people, it is important that the device can be turned off or started at the right time. High-end models allow you to adjust the heating temperature, or even set its exact value at some point. It is very useful for those whose day is scheduled according to a clear schedule, and the slightest delay is perceived painfully.

Finally, it is worth adding that the absence of water allows you not to worry about salts and other substances circulating through the water supply system, and the tightness of the structure a priori eliminates the occurrence of air locks and pressure drops.

Electric heated towel rails for the bathroom - what are they?

These devices, despite their apparent unity, can be very, very different. They are distinguished by features of technical design, appearance, installation point and developed power. In the “wet” circuit, antifreeze or special oil is driven through the pipes - essentially, an ordinary heating element, differing only in the nuances of application.

If the designers preferred heating from the electric cable directly, then they talk about the “dry” option - and it has both advantages and downright weaknesses.

Thus, electric heated towel rails with direct heating are less expensive for buyers because there is no need to ensure thorough sealing at the factory, and engineers can also focus on their aspects. In addition, these devices can be installed in any way you like, even diagonally.

What are electric bathroom heated towel rails made of and how exactly?

The key structural material for them is black steel. It can also be coated with a layer of polymer; sometimes stainless steel or copper is used (all these options are not so afraid of corrosion, which for obvious reasons will hang over the device like a sword of Damocles, but they are more expensive).

When using a stainless steel heater, you need to carefully consider the issue of protection from stray current, which is found in abundance in any apartment building. Copper devices seem to be good for everyone... however, their price tag can even cause a shock among impressionable people.

Useful options include a thermostat and a timer, which will help stop the device from working as soon as it warms up to the optimal temperature. In the absence of these, it is recommended to use a waterproof socket with an automatically locking lid to guide the process manually.

Buying electric heated towel rails in a cable version means that they will consume less current, however, the heat generated is noticeably less. For drying hand towels in itself, a “dry” device is enough, and a “wet” device will still be able to heat the air in the room, although its heating rate is slower.

Type and installation

Check whether the device is designed for wall mounting or should be placed exclusively on the floor. In the second option, the design is more complex, its dimensions increase, but there is no need to drill, hang or specially calculate anything. But the problem is that it is unsafe to install such devices on wet floors!

An electric heated towel rail is most often made in the form of a “ladder” or a coil, but if you think this solution is not elegant enough, you can choose many other options, including ones that are ideal for any design style. As for the color scheme, imitation is practiced:

  • silver;
  • bronze;
  • chromium;
  • gold.

Subject to availability of material resources, individual designs are available, complemented by decorative screens in various forms. When planning to buy an electric heated towel rail, you should also focus on its geometric shape, linear dimensions (height, width), and the number of horizontal tubes.

High power is not always good, because often it only leads to excessive energy consumption if the room is relatively small. The norm is 1 kilowatt per 10 square meters, which allows you to heat the bathroom to room temperature.

Additional details about rotary electric heated towel rails (and not only such)

Please note that electrical appliances, even seemingly simple ones, can be a source of serious danger. Both when selecting them and when determining installation points, you should think about minimizing the risk of electrical leakage. No matter how beautiful it may look to place the dryer on cold walls, it is unacceptable, it leads to dampness and short circuiting.

In addition, it is recommended:

  • check the wiring carefully;
  • form grounding;
  • Be sure to use a good RCD.

By choosing and installing the unit correctly, you will not only save yourself from various dangers, but also guarantee stable drying of towels. Do not hesitate to contact consultants, carefully collect all information, and engage only professional electricians with experience during installation!

You can buy electric heated towel rails correctly if you take into account all the recommendations of experts. The more horizontal blocks there are, the more intense the heat transfer, and convex pipes are more convenient for drying various clothes than flat ones. If the bathroom does not have a large area, it is better to use heaters with additional sides.

This solution features exclusively wall mounting of the main unit; two more fragments open up like a regular cabinet. It makes sense to buy an electric heated towel rail in Kiev with a shelf for storing the same towels or hygiene items. This option saves space and increases the efficiency of its use.

Since heaters are used for a long time, the latest models with increased equipment are much preferable, even despite the high price. Buying an electric heated towel rail with a thermostat also means overpaying, but in the end, such devices are more economical to use, and the additional costs will soon pay off.

What else should you consider in order to buy the right electric heated towel rail for your bathroom?

Combined technical solutions are considered the most convenient because they combine the capabilities of oil (antifreeze) and cable models). You may even prefer equipment with some power reserve, since excessive heating can be eliminated, but insufficient heating cannot be corrected without replacement.

When planning to buy electric heated towel rails and use them for as long as possible, you should give preference to options produced under well-known foreign brands, especially since they are much more comfortable. But with very tight cost savings, you will have to give preference to domestic options.

Brass dryers will last a maximum of five years, but they cannot be used without special care. Steel appliances look elegant and stylish, and the polymer coating allows you to flexibly vary the color scheme of the appliance. Stainless steel will not tarnish or rust over time - so take all this into account when making your decision.

It is not enough to buy an electric heated towel rail for the bathroom ; it must also be installed correctly. In particular, even if the device does not have a standard thermostat, you can always purchase one specially. We repeat once again, it is recommended to contact only trusted installation services. By the way, after installation, wait ¼ hour before starting!

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