
Security policy

Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data in personal data databases, owned by the seller.


  1. Zagalni understand that sphere of stagnation;
  2. Perelik of personal data bases;
  3. Meta processing of personal data;
  4. The procedure for processing personal data: information about the rights and actions with personal data of the subject of personal data;
  5. Database of personal data;
  6. Please understand the information about personal data to third parties;
  7. Protection of personal data: methods of protection, authorized persons, practitioners who immediately carry out processing and/or can access personal data in connection with their service obligations, lines for saving personal data;
  8. Rights of the subject of personal data;
  9. The procedure for processing the subject's personal data;
  10. State registration of personal data base.

1. Foreign concepts and the sphere of stagnation

1.1. Meaning of terms:

personal data base - the name given to the totality of organizing personal data in electronic form and/or in the form of personal data files;

Authentic person is a person who organizes work related to the protection of personal data during their processing, in accordance with the law;

owner of the personal data database is a physical or legal person who is granted by law or the right to process this data, which confirms the method of processing personal data in this database, establishes a warehouse for this data and procedures for its processing, no longer prescribed by law;

State register of personal data bases - a unified state information system for collecting, accumulating and processing information about the registration of a personal data base;

secretly accessible collections of personal data —advisors, address books, registries, lists, catalogs, other systematized collections of confidential information that contain personal data, posted and published privately who personal data.

Do not respect secretly accessible channels of personal data from social networks and Internet resources in which the subject of personal data deprives of their personal data (except for data, if the subject of personal data has expressly stated that personal data is posted in the yu їх іх іх вілного пошерня и вікгор risenya);

the purpose of the subject of personal data - be it documented, a voluntary person who is given permission to process his personal data is subject to the formulated instructions for their processing;

non-isolation of personal data - obtaining information that allows you to identify a person;

processing of personal data - be it any action or a set of actions, carried out in general or often in an information (automated) system and/or in personal data files related to collections, registration, accumulation changes, savings, adaptations, changes, updates, changes and expansions (distribution, implementation, transfer), non-isolation, reduction of records about an individual;

personal data - information and the totality of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified;

The controller of the personal data database is a physical or legal person who is the owner of the personal data database and is given the right by law to process this data.

It is not the person who is authorized to carry out technical work on the personal data base without access to the personal data database;

the subject of personal data is a natural person whose personal data is processed in accordance with the law;

The third of the person is a lady, Behind the venerable of the submarine of the personal Dani, Volodilzi, the Rosor Rosa Rosary Rosaranium of the Personal Dannya Tu, the sovereign to the body of the Personal Dani, the yaki Volodil, the Rosor Rodbasis of the personal dannies, the transfer of personal Danya is over to the law;

special categories of data - personal data on racial or ethnic affairs, political, religious or social affairs, membership in political parties and professional groups, as well as data on health issues stately life.

1.2. This is the Obligatory Regulations for the establishment of the seller's special and authorized personnel, who will immediately carry out processing and/or may have access to personal data in connection with their official obligations.

2. Perelik of personal data bases

2.1. The seller is the owner of the current database of personal data:

database of personal data of counterparties.

3. Meta processing of personal data

3.1. The method of processing personal data in the system is to preserve and service the data of counterparties, in accordance with Articles 6, 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”.

3.2. The method of processing personal data is to ensure the implementation of civil law obligations, the issuance/withdrawal of charges for the addition of goods/services in accordance with the Subsidiary Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Accounting financial health in Ukraine."

4. The procedure for processing personal data: information about the rights and actions with personal data of the subject of personal data

4.1. Therefore, the subject of personal data may be given permission to the voluntary processing of personal data subject to the formulated instructions for their processing. The subject of personal data may be given in the following forms:

  • a paper document with details that make it possible to identify this document and the individual;
  • an electronic document that may contain obligatory details that allow the identification of this document and a physical person. A voluntary individual who grants permission to process personal data must be fully certified by the electronic signature of the subject of personal data;
  • a mark on the electronic side of the document or in an electronic file that is processed in the information system based on documentation of software and technical solutions.

4.2. The consent of the subject of personal data is provided until the time of registration of civil and legal documents in accordance with the official legislation.

4.3. Informing the subject of personal data about the inclusion of his personal data in the database of personal data, the rights established by the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”, the collection of data in which his personal data is transferred is subject to the preparation of civil law documents wears it in a decorous manner legislation.

4.4. Processing of personal data about racial or ethnic affairs, political, religious or social affairs, membership in political parties and professional groups, as well as data related to health and social life (especially mountains of data) is protected.

5. Database of personal data

5.1. Indications in section 2 of this Regulation of the personal data database are located at the seller’s address.

6. Please understand the disclosure of information about personal data to third parties

6.1. The procedure for access to the personal data of third parties is determined by the minds of the subject of the personal data, entrusted to the owner of the personal data database for the processing of such data, or in accordance with the law.

6.2. Access to the personal data of a third person is not granted, since the designated person is expected to take responsibility for the protection of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” or it is impossible to protect them.

6.3. The subject of the entries associated with personal data submits a request for access (hereinafter referred to as a request) to the personal data to the owner of the personal data database.

6.4. The entry means:

  • nickname, father's name, place of residence (place of employment) and details of the document identifying the individual who is submitting the request (for the individual - the applicant);
  • name, location of the legal entity that gives the request, title, nickname, name and father's name of the person that records the request; confirmation that the replacement of the application confirms the importance of the legal entity (for the legal entity - the applicant);
  • nickname, father's name, as well as other information that allows you to identify a person who is worth asking for;
  • information about the personal data base, exactly what kind of request is submitted, and information about the volunteer and the manager of this database;
  • a flow of personal data to ask;
  • I'll ask meta.

6.5. I will ask the line for your satisfaction; you cannot exceed ten working days from the day of your work.

Please draw this line from the database of personal data to the person submitting the request, so that the request will be satisfied, otherwise the personal data will not be submitted according to the designated form designated by the relevant regulatory authority. new act.

Ask to be satisfied with the length of thirty calendar days from the day of your return, as otherwise not provided by law.

6.6. All workers of the Volodymyr database of personal data of applications are required to maintain confidentiality of personal data and information from valuable papers and from valuable papers.

6.7. Extended access to personal data of third parties is permitted only once, if the necessary data cannot be provided within thirty calendar days from the day of request. Under this legal term, the highest nutrition, damaged by drinking, cannot exceed forty-five calendar days.

6.8. Notification about the cancellation will be communicated to the third person who submitted the request, in writing, with an explanation of the procedure for disapproving of such a decision.

6.9. Information about the extension includes:

  • nickname, named after my father’s estate;
  • date of notification;
  • reason for delineation;
  • lines, with a drawl that you will be more satisfied with.

6.10. Vidmova's access to personal data is permitted if access to them is prohibited by law.

6.11. The information about Vidmova states:

  • nickname, name, according to my father’s estate, as indicated by access;
  • date of notification;
  • reason vidmovi.

6.12. Decisions regarding the extension or access to personal data may be subject to the protection of personal data by other authorities and local self-government bodies, until such time as necessary Nenny zakhistu personal data, or before the trial.

7. Protection of personal data: methods of protection, a representative, practitioners who immediately carry out processing and/or can access personal data in connection with their service obligations, lines for saving personal data

7.1. The owner of the personal data database has systemic and software-technical features that prevent waste, theft, unauthorized destruction, distortion, fragmentation, copying of information and explain the benefits of international and national standards.

7.2. A responsible person organizes work related to the protection of personal data during its processing, in accordance with the law. A special person is designated by order of Volodilets on the basis of personal data.

The obligations of an individual when organizing work related to the protection of personal data during their processing are specified in the official instructions.

7.3. A common type of goiter is associated with:

  • know the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of personal data;
  • develop procedures for access to personal data of military personnel, including their professional, service or labor obligations;
  • to ensure the registration of personal data databases by the Volodilts citizens in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of personal data and internal documents that regulate the activities of Volodiltsya personal data databases for the processing and protection of personal data in personal data databases tributes;
  • to develop the procedure (procedure) for internal control over the anti-tampering legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of personal data and internal documents, which regulate the activities of the Volodilets database of personal data for the processing and protection of personal data in personal data databases, zokrema, is guilty of violating the norms of the frequency of such events control;
  • to inform Volodilets of the personal data database about the facts of destruction by spy agents due to the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of personal data and internal documents, which regulate the activities of Volodilts of the personal data database for the processing and protection of personal data in the databases regarding personal data no later than one business day from the moment such damage is detected ;
  • ensure the preservation of documents that confirm the submission of personal data by the subject prior to the processing of his personal data and the notification of the said subject about his rights.

7.4. As a result of the discharge of their obligations, a certain person has the right to:

  • remove necessary documents, including punishments and other routine documents entered by Volodilets in the personal data database, related to the processing of personal data;
  • make copies of deleted documents, including copies of files, any records, that are stored in local computing networks and autonomous computer systems;
  • take part in the agreed-upon binding organization of work related to the protection of personal data during its processing;
  • introduce proposals to reduce activity and improve operational methods, provide respect and options for eliminating any shortcomings in the process of processing personal data;
  • provide explanations for the preparation of personal data;
  • sign and view documents within your competence.

7.5. Practitioners who directly carry out processing and/or have access to personal data in connection with the laws of their service (labor) obligations must comply with the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of personal data and internal Their documents for processing and securing personal data in personal data databases.

7.6. Practitioners who have access to personal data are required to ensure that personal data that has been entrusted to them or that has become available to them is not disclosed in any way. any service or labor obligations 'languages. This requirement is strictly enforced after carrying out activities related to personal data, except for the cases established by law.

7.7.Individuals who have access to personal data, including their processing in case of violation by them, the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” bears similarity to the current legislation of Ukraine.

7.8. Personal Dan is not guilty of dwarfs, NIZh Tse is not chilly for the germination, for the same Dan) to be zbergayg, Ale to be a lines of the zboda dani, who was wrapped in the zgoda of personal tribute to the incorporation of the Tsich Danany.

8. Rights of the subject of personal data

8.1. The subject of personal data has the right:

  • know about the location of the database of personal data, how to locate your personal data, this means the name, location and / or place of residence (relocation) of the volunteer or the administrator of this database or the date before instructions to withdraw this information from authorized persons, except for the exceptions established by law;
  • separate information about the minds given access to personal data, limiting information about third parties to whom your personal data is transferred, which is located in a separate database of personal data;
  • to access your personal data located in a separate personal data database;
  • deduct no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt, in addition to the exceptions required by law, about those whose personal data is stored in a separate database of personal data, and also deduct from the location of your personal data that is stored;
  • present all possible reasons for protesting the processing of your personal data by government authorities, local self-government bodies in the current state of law;
  • be motivated to change or reduce your personal data, be a volunteer and a steward of this base, since this data is processed illegally and is unreliable;
  • for the protection of your personal data from illegal processing and casual waste, impoverishment, damage in connection with fraudulent misappropriations, undue and improper payments, as well as for protection from the provision of records that are unreliable to destroy the honor, worthiness and business reputation of an individual ;
  • apply for the protection of your rights to personal data to the bodies of sovereign power, bodies of local self-government, to the new importance of which the protection of personal data is due;
  • to establish legal protection in times of violation of legislation on the protection of personal data.

9. The procedure for processing the subject’s personal data requests

9.1. The subject of personal data has the right to obtain any information about himself from any subject of information related to personal data, without special notice, except for the restrictions established by law.

9.2. Access by the subject of personal data to personal data is free of charge.

9.3. The subject of personal data submits a request for access (hereinafter referred to as a request) to personal data to the owner of the personal data database.

The entry means:

nickname, father's name, place of residence (place of relocation) and details of the document identifying the subject of personal data;

Other information that allows us to identify the individual subject of personal data;

information about the personal data base, exactly what kind of requests are submitted, and information about the volunteer and the manager of this database;

a stream of personal data to ask about.

9.4. I will ask the line for your satisfaction; you cannot exceed ten working days from the day of your work.

9.5. Please bring this line of the personal data database to the attention of the subject of the personal data, who will be satisfied, otherwise the personal data does not correspond to the data, from the designated form specified in the relevant regulatory framework acti.

9.6. Ask to be satisfied with the length of thirty calendar days from the day of your return, as otherwise not provided by law.

10. State registration of the personal data base

10.1. The state registration of personal data databases is in accordance with Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”.

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