Every product purchased from us is a real help to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Every product purchased from us is a real help to the Ukrainian Armed Forces


Hello friends! ♥ We write not for the sake of boasting, but as a call to action. Results require joint efforts. The manufacturing company NAVIN has been helping the army since the first days of the war, because we understand that no one but all of us will do this job.

Therefore, from every heated towel rail or design radiator sold and any other product that we produce, we donate at least 10% (and most often more) to the needs of our glorious Armed Forces of Ukraine. After all, the one who fights is worthy of support!

And if you are planning to purchase a heated towel rail today, choose NAVIN. Because every product purchased from us is a real help to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And this means: additional body armor, knee pads, walkie-talkies, power banks, raincoats and many other things useful for our warriors and warriors. ☺

► You can purchase NAVIN products and thereby help the army here: .

Phone number for orders: 0673238220 .

We believe! Can! Let's win! ♥

NAVIN. Heat that has a form.

PS Here are just some of the things that NAVIN regularly buys for Ukrainian soldiers. Let them fight well!

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