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  • Electric heated towel rail Navin Silhouette Quadro 90x1200 Sensor right, white

    Brand: Navin
    Product Code: 12-134053-0912
    Availability: Expectation
    2 790 ₴
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    Electric heated towel rail Silhouette Quadro 90x1200 Sensor , color - white, from the Ukrainian manufacturer NAVIN, made of carbon steel, which is of high quality and durability. The model is powder coated. The wall thickness of the racks and lintels of the heated towel rail is 1.5 mm.

    • Model power consumption: 88 W;
    • Operating temperature (*): up to 55°C;
    • Protection degree: IP44;
    • Warranty: 60 months.

    * at room temperature 20°C and rated voltage 230V

    The model is designed for narrow, deep niches and narrowed spaces.

    Product characteristics
    Type electric
    View ladder
    Material painted steel
    Number of sections 4
    Color white
    Cable location right
    Power, W 88
    Mounting type stationary
    Temperature adjustment with regulator
    Heating element type heating cable
    Maximum operating temperature, °C 55
    Collector wall thickness, mm 1.5
    Model line Silhouette Quadro
    Width, mm 90
    Height, mm 1200
    Depth, mm 69
    Center distance, mm 60
    Dimensions (HxWxD), cm 120х9х6,9
    Weight, kg 4,50
    Warranty, months 60
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